Environmental Law Australia

Smith v Fonterra

A remarkable decision for climate litigation globally.

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The role of government policy and law in environmental management

A lecture on the role of government policy and law (mixed with the reality of politics, power and money) in environmental management.

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Strategic climate litigation opportunities: a Pacific case study

A workshop on strategic climate litigation opportunities focusing on the Pacific.

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Waratah Coal v Youth Verdict (Galilee Coal Project)

A landmark decision rejecting a major coal mine in Queensland based on human rights, climate change and other grounds.

Posted in Case Studies, Land Court of Queensland | 1 Comment

Sharma v Minister for the Environment

A groundbreaking decision at trial on the duty of care for climate change in Australia that was overturned on appeal.

Posted in Case Studies, Federal Court of Australia | Tagged | 15 Comments

Can litigation stop the climate emergency?

This is a recording of a panel discussion hosted by Monash University, Australia, on 24 November 2020.

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International environmental regulation

A course on international environmental regulation with a series of 12 lectures on the major international environmental treaties since 1945.

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Environmental regulation in Queensland, Australia

A course on environmental regulation in Queensland, Australia, with a series of 13 lectures delivered in 2020.

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Practical guidance on writing conditions

A seminar providing practical guidance for environmental professionals on writing and interpreting conditions of approval in Queensland.

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Identifying climate litigation opportunities

A seminar examining 10 key issues for identifying climate litigation opportunities using a case study of how customary landowners in Papua New Guinea can sue Australia’s largest climate polluter, Loy Yang A Power Station in Victoria.

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A guide through the maze of planning law in Queensland

A workshop for effectively engaging with the Queensland planning system.

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Paris Agreement paradox: if we succeed, we fail

The Paris Agreement goals are a paradox: if we succeed in achieving them, we fail to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

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Gloucester Resources (“Rocky Hill”) case

A groundbreaking, inspiring case against the climate impacts of a coal mine.

Posted in Case Studies, NSW Land and Environment Court | 6 Comments

Use whatever imperfect tools you have to fight for solutions

Keynote speech to the AAEE Conference 2018.

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Top 5 landmark environmental legal cases in Australia

The “Top 5 landmark environmental legal cases in Australia” listed by the Australian Geographic on 16 July 2018.

Posted in Case Studies, High Court of Australia | Tagged | Leave a comment

Building personal resilience for research on climate change

Five strategies for building personal resilience for research on climate change and biodiversity loss.

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Chain of responsibility laws

A conference presentation on Queensland’s chain of responsibility laws for environmental harm.

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Making sense of the Adani coal mine approval

A seminar examining five fundamental failures in the approval of the Carmichael Coal Mine in Queensland, Australia.

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Introduction to environmental law in Queensland

A short introduction to conceptualising environmental law and statutory interpretation in Queensland.

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Coastal management & fisheries laws in Queensland

Coastal management & fisheries laws in Queensland

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Nature Laws that Work

A seminar for The Wilderness Society (TWS) on the need for new national environmental laws in Australia.

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EPBC Act lecture 2015

A lecture on Australia’s main national environmental law, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

Posted in Lectures, Semester 1 2015 | 4 Comments

Carmichael Coal (“Adani”) Mine cases in the Federal Court

Litigation in the Federal Court of Australia against one of the largest coal mines in the world.

Posted in Case Studies, Federal Court of Australia | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

Springbrook groundwater case

A current appeal in the P&E Court against refusal of an application for commercial water extraction in the midst of World Heritage areas on the Springbrook plateau in SE Queensland.

Posted in Case Studies, Queensland Planning and Environment Court | 1 Comment

“Champagne flutes” appeal

A very significant appeal for planning law in Queensland which emphasises the importance of development complying with the planning scheme.

Posted in Case Studies, Queensland Planning and Environment Court | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Alpha Coal Mine Case

A landmark challenge by local graziers and conservation groups against a large coal mine in central Queensland showing the importance of public objection rights.

Posted in Case Studies, Land Court of Queensland | 7 Comments

Kevin’s Corner Coal Mine Case

Litigation in the Land Court of Queensland over the groundwater and economic impacts of a large coal mine.

Posted in Case Studies, Land Court of Queensland | 1 Comment

Carmichael Coal (“Adani”) Mine Cases in Queensland courts

Major court disputes in the Land Court and Supreme Court of Queensland involving one of the world’s largest proposed coal mines.

Posted in Case Studies, Land Court of Queensland | 77 Comments

New Acland Coal Mine Case

An enormous, hard-fought community battle to protect farmland from a major coal mine in Queensland.

Posted in Case Studies, Land Court of Queensland | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Maryfield Station clearing case in the NT Supreme Court

Landmark climate litigation in the NT Supreme Court over land clearing on a pastoral property, Maryfield Station.

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Shark drumline case

A case stopping the use of drumlines to kill sharks in the Great Barrier Reef.

Posted in Case Studies, Federal Court of Australia | 1 Comment